New Client Registration Form Owner’s InformationName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Secondary PhoneAddress(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City Province Postal Code Multiple Owners Multiple Owners Co-owner’s InformationName(Required) First Last PhonePet InformationPet's Name(Required)Species(Required)DogCatFerretBirdReptileOtherSpecify Species(Required)SexNeutered MaleSpayed FemaleMaleFemaleUnknownBreedColorBirthday(if known) MM slash DD slash YYYY Years of age(if birthday is unknown)Special Identification(tattoo, microchip, etc.)Previous Veterinary Practice(if any)Previous Veterinarian(if any)Date of last vaccines(if known)What vaccines were given at this time(if known)Is your pet on any medication or supplement?(Required) Yes No If Yes, please list the medication or supplement(Required)What food does your pet eat? *(Required)Does your pet have allergies or drug reactions?(Required) Yes No If Yes, please list the allergies and reactions(Required)Are there any current or past medical conditions of which we should be aware?(Required) Yes No If Yes, please comment on the condition(s) and indicate if they are current or past conditions(Required)Additional CommentsCAPTCHA